
The word yoga literally means 'union.' We named our company InYoga for its myriad meanings: looking inward; discovering our intuition; finding new inspiration; setting intention; and integrating the mind, body and breath. Yoga means different things for different people. And it serves us in different ways. Whatever yoga means for you, we invite you join us, InYoga.

InYoga opened its doors in April 2010. While great yoga can be found in so many L.A. neighborhoods, we felt our Valley was underserved. InYoga Center was founded with a vision to provide the best yoga experience in the Valley - and to offer that experience from the perspective of a student.

You'll see that perspective reflected the moment you walk in our doors. You'll see it in the warm greetings from our staff at the front desk, the relaxed, homey decor, and in the friendly and supportive learning environment where everyone is welcome and valued. You'll especially see it - and feel it - with the skillful instruction and deep dedication of our handpicked teachers, who together bring a breadth of knowledge and experience in so many styles and traditions of yoga. Our workshop and special events program is expanding to bring the best that yoga has to offer into our own backyard.

As InYoga continues to grow, we remain committed to our original mission: to provide the best yoga lifestyle experience in the Valley.

"First, follow the truth, and then truth will follow you.... In the beginning, it is true that confidence and trust are necessary, but as you continue to practice, every step will bring more and more hope, greater and greater confidence. If we are Yogis just for one day, we will be transformed and want more of it."

- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 2.36, translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda